
This is My Strategy : UPSC IAS Topper NANDINI K R, Rank – 1, CSE – 2016

Hello Friends, It gives immense pleasure to pen down this article. As the saying goes, “Tiny drops of water make an ocean”, I have been benefitted from the guidance and inputs of many noble souls. Hence, I deem it my yeoman duty to share the strategy that worked for me. However, I firmly believe, in case of CSE preparation that “every journey is unique” though the destination is same. When we have 1000 candidates cracking the exam it means that we also have so many different strategies and approaches .Thus, for CSE preparation, one size doesn’t fit all. Hence, I request you not to blindly follow me, but formulate your own strategy keeping in mind your challenges, strengths, capacity, aptitude and situations in life. In the write up that follows below I would try to give a brief account of my 4 years journey, the purpose of the write up will be served if the take away is Success is not final, failure is not fatal; It is the courage to cont...
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